Reviews and Articles
Pacific Northwest Ballet All Balanchine Review, The Ballet Herald (December 16, 2024)
Seattle Ballet Blog, PNB Delights Young and Old with the Return of Coppélia (June 7, 2024)
Green Bay Ballet Festival at the Weidner Center
Pointe Magazine, Kyle Davis and Sarah-Gabrielle Ryan Bring Ballet to Green Bay (April 23, 2024)
Meet the NEXT STEP Artist: Kyle Davis (June 3, 2023)
Pointe Magazine, Idaho’s Ballet Sun Valley Festival Is Back With an Expanded Season (July 8, 2021)
Pacific Northwest Ballet Blog, Notes on Las Estrellas (April 30, 2021)
Seattle Dances, A Review of “A Dark and Lonely Space” (November 11, 2018)
Critical Dance, A Review of “A Dark and Lonely Space” (November 3, 2018)
City Arts Magazine, Review of “A Dark and Lonely Space” (November 1, 2018)
Pacific Northwest Ballet Blog, Next Step Choreographers (June 17, 2016)
YouTube and Facebook Videos
The Times Are Racing, featuring Kyle Davis and Chris D’Ariano, Pacific Northwest Ballet
Coppélia rehearsal ft. Sarah-Gabrielle Ryan and Kyle Davis, Pacific Northwest Ballet
The Weidner Center: Is Beer & Ballet the Perfect Combo?
Kyle Davis rehearsing Oberon in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Pacific Northwest Ballet
Cinderella Prince Variation – featuring Kyle Davis, Pacific Northwest Ballet
Cinderella Excerpt, Pacific Northwest Ballet
Leta Biasucci & Kyle Davis rehearse Odette and Prince Siegfried, Pacific Northwest Ballet
Sugar Plum Fairy and Cavalier Excerpt featuring Sarah-Gabrielle Ryan and Kyle Davis
Sarah-Gabrielle Ryan and Kyle Davis return to dance, Pacific Northwest Ballet
Kyle Davis choreographs Forthcoming as part of Remote Bodies
Pacific Northwest Ballet, Home Ballet Class Taught By Kyle Davis
George Balanchine’s Tarantella excerpt featuring Angelica Generosa and Kyle Davis
World Premiere | A Dark and Lonely Space, Pacific Northwest Ballet
World Premiere | A Dark and Lonely Space rehearsal, Pacific Northwest Ballet
New Works rehearsal, Olympic Ballet Theatre | A Sunday Afternoon by Kyle Davis
Tips for Pirouettes / Ballet In Form
A La Seconde Turn Tips / Ballet in Form
Prix de Lausanne: 2008 Selections 17-18 year olds – Contemporary Variations – Kyle Davis